To the atheists of the Internet: I've noticed that you feel that you are victimized quite often. I've noticed that a few of you are quite defensive about your choice. So much so that you attack anyone you perceive to not agree with you.
Maybe this emotional reaction stems from how people close to you view your choice. But, to millions of strangers, your choice is insignificant. Much like the choice to be religious by other interneters is insignificant. Perhaps, you are defensive because your religious parents are upset with your choice. Or maybe you are defensive because you feel that the religion you grew up with has been a controlling sham that you resent for dictating so much of your life.
I applaud your ability to think for yourself. Your ability to use critical thinking to reach an important life decision. It's okay to be atheist. It really is. It's not okay to insult and attack those who are not atheist. If they are insulting or attacking you for your decision, by all means, tell them that it is your choice, and they have no right to tell you how to live your life.
But there cannot be a double standard. If you expect people to respect your decision and show it by not attempting to belittle you or convert you, you cannot belittle or attempt to convert others.
An example of the kind of rude behavior this post is about. Photo Credit: Un-Learning.Org |
It is okay to discuss your perceived downsides of religion, but it must be done in a polite, logical, and civil debate.
I have reached the conclusion, entirely on my own, that religion is not right for me. But, since we cannot be certain that there is no higher power, I have chosen to remain spiritual. I find great comfort in the idea of an afterlife. I cannot imagine grieving for a lost love one with out the idea of an afterlife. I like using prayer to guide my life. But, I pray to whomever is listening, not necessarily an all powerful, all knowing man in the sky.
This is my decision. I, much like you, have reached it using critical thinking. I respect your decision, and I expect you to respect mine.
The world is changing. Not being religious is more widely accepted than many of you understand. So please be more confident in your choice to deny religion.
A billboard created by a Christian minister. The rude, childish, overly emotional, hate occurs in theists as well. Photo Credit: GodDiscussion.Com |
*** Last note: An agnostic is a person who chooses to not accept or deny the existance of a higher power because sufficient evidence is lacking. Agnostic is the label I most identify with. To be clear, I am not an offended Christian, Muslim, or Jew ranting about the wrongs of atheism. I am just a person who fully believes in tolerance and acceptance of all reasonable thought processes.
A comic about agnosticism. I just love these guys. Photo Credit: Cyanide and Happiness |
Thank you for reading this. Any discourse that may result regarding this that is not mature and civilized will be removed. So, if you would like to comment, please act your age
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